Sunday, May 16, 2010

Forty Six & 2 - Tool

I am the master of my fate!

I know my weaknesses. They are getting worse. I have not been training my strengths so the weakness is filling the vacuum as strengths retrieve out to the see while I am boggled with ordinary life issues. But in less than two months, I have made changes, and I will pave my way through based on those changes. The most difficult thing to change is the mind wired with biological needs. This has been an issue over last nine years and I was unable to provide sufficient solution.
The temporary solution is to invite "god" in my apartment which I have already did. It's on the way and will be in my apartment by July.

How can I have a better control over my thinking? After all I am the captain of my soul.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 39: Competition is what I need

I was wondering how and why I was pulled and pushed myself so hard before. One of the factors for unburning drive is unquestionably the competition. Competition makes us to wake up earlier than others do and sleep later than most of the people do. If there was no competition, a semi-quality lifestyle would have taken over the world. I am sure about that.

An afternoon can fly by or it can take 5 hours. Like you probably do, I productively fill the gaps that most people leave as dead time. My drive to be productive probably cost me my first marriage and a few days ago almost cost me my fiancee. Before I went to college the military had this "we do more before 9 am than most people do all dday" and I used to think that I do more than the military. As you know there are some select people that just find a drive in certain activities that supersedes EVERYTHING else.

That's right baby, I wanna do more than the military. In last 39 days, I have implemented more changes in myself than in last 3 years. I have let almost everybody out of "bus" now. Bought an apartment on long term debt and made super-repair before moving out on this Sunday. Participated in a government working group as a secretary to influence the major changes in the capital market. Have not drunk more than a bottle of beer in a single week for last five weeks.
The most importantly, I am going to buy an erg (a god to me since no one can beat it) from USA. It's gonna take two months to ship it out here. Once shipped I will presume my rigorous practices. The constant practice is a secret alley to reach perseverance as I have recently found out although I have not reached there yet myself. maybe never will reach there but I have to try.

The reason why I am pouring out everything on this blog is that environment where I am is not competitive enough or not driven enough. So all that drive, I have to come up by myself and it must come from inside. Otherwise I will adopt the slow pace and will burn down without a cause. But I do have a cause, and I will not gonna burn down. We are different breed and we will go an extra mile!

Chingis khaan asked his assistant to remind Chingis of the existence of Golden Empire. Similiarly I will remind myself every morning of the existence of better competitors trying harder I do in getting the final prize. Oh, what's the final prize btw?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 9: Compartmentalize

It's day 9, and I have been trying hard to overcome all the workload I have accumulated over last few months. Reading list has never been longer before but the good thing is I have not been sleep deprived as much. That's means lots of time can be freed up by depriving myself of sleep.
Another point I was thinking is Amaraa's saying that if he could change the past, then he prefer to build the house brick by brick. That means if I wanna do something big, that I have been thinking about I should start laying the foundation now. Bit by bit.

Day 8: Cavalry ain't coming bro!

"This period [in the middle of the campaign] was tough personally too, on everyone in the campaign. The pressure was brutal and the hours beyond what would be considered healthy or tolerable in most situations. Families were largely abandoned, relationships tested, friendships put on ice. We took strength from our bond as a campaign family based on our deep desire to see Barack Obama elected president. We also came together over the common circumstances of campaign life, the personal struggles, and lack of any normalcy." David Plouffe, the chief campaign manager

"Audacity to Win" гэдэг Дэвид Плау-н бичсэн номыг уншиж дууслаа. Үнэхээр их эрх хүч, мятрашгүй эрмэлзэлээр дүүрэн байсан тэрхүү үеийнхээ тэмдэглэлийг дэлгэн тавьсаныг уншаад цус хөөрөх шиг. Гэвч энэхүү аугаа үйлсэд хүрэхэд дардан замаар давхиж бус харин бусдын явж үзээгүй харгуй замаар явж хүрсэн аж. Түүний хэлдгээр тавьсан зорилгодоо хүрч, хүссэнээ авахад яах аргагүй олон арван зүйл замд орхигдож, амьдарлын хэдэн зуун шалгуур өмнө тавигдаж, мянга мянган сорилтой тулгарах нь дамжиггүй байсан байх. Миний хувьд гэвэл анхны surprise-г өчигдөр авсанаар цааш алхах тусам олон зүйлийн цаад мөн чанар тодрох авай гэж бодож байна. Үүнээс гадна нэгэн зүйлийг нотлож байгаа нь "cavalry ain't coming" буюу морьт хороод ирж туслана гэж бодсоны хэрэггүй гэсэн шивээсийг горьдлогын духан дээр бичиж орхих шиг боллоо. Зорилгыг өндөрт тавьж болох ч, хүрэх замыг амьдралд маш ойр байхаар төсөөлөн алхахгүй бол гэнэтийн surprise-уудаар зам дүүрэн байх аваас зүрх сэтгэл яахан дийлэх билээ дээ.
Би бодруун: Хүнд эхээс төрөхөд хоёр хөл заяасан болохоор эх дэлхий дээр мөрөө гаргах энэ хоёр дээрээ тулгуурлан бид хүн шиг цэх зогсож, хүссэн зүгтээ алхаж урагшилж чаддаг. Хүнд цэх зогсож урагшаа алхаж бай гэж хөл заяасны адилаар оюун ухаан зүрх сэтгэлд ч бас мөрөөдлийн зүг жолоо залахад тулгуур багана байх хэрэгтэй. Хувь хүний хөдөлмөр түүний ажил бол үүний нэгэн багана гэж бодож байна. Харин нөгөө багана бол хүний гэр бүр, дотно харилцаа яах аргагүй мөн юм. Ажил төрөл урагшгүй, амжилт бүтээл бага үед сэтгэл санаагаар унаж нэгэн багана (pillar) нуран уналаа ч гэр бүл, анд нөхөд амраг хайртаас ирэх халуун дулаан сэтгэл нь ачаа хичнээн хүнд байлаа ч нөгөө багана дээрээ дэнчигнэн тогтох хүч өгдөг гэж үзнэм. Уналгүй үлдэх нь унаад босч ирсэнээс хамаагүй амар даваа болох учир аль нэг баганаа алдалгүй авч үлдэх нь амжилтанд арай хурдан хүрэх гол нууц байж магад гэж тунгааж байна.
Юуны учир бодлын хөвөрлөө сараачин суунам гэж өөр өөрөөсөө асуух мөчид би ирээдүйд гарах бэрхшээлүүдийг аль дүрмээр тоглож, ямар хандлагаар хандаж, юуны учир туулах вэ гэсэн метафизикал орчингоо бүрдүүлж байгаа гэж хариулах авай. Чийнхүү бие махбодоо, сэтгэл санаатай уялдуулж хөдлөвөөс өөрийн зөв гэсэн чигээс хазайхгүйгээр барианд орох нигууртай гэж бодном зээ. За бусдыг чөтгөр бүү мэдээ хөө.